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We all have the ability to take another step and live even more in our potentiality, no matter where you are, you have read this far - to be more, give more, serve more.

Let’s help you step into your next level of potential.


Don't delay, start your dreams (step into your potential) today!

W E E K  F O U R

Quiet Your Mind & Build Confidence

We all know moving our body is important. It supports our mental health by decreasing our anxiety, depression and negative moods. And at the same time, it increases our self esteem and cognitive function.

The Mayo Clinic states that "exercise supports your cardiovascular system by improving overall cardiac function so your heart can pump more blood with each heartbeat, reduces your blood pressure and vascular function, and prevents heart attacks and strokes."

So why don’t we exercise more? Sometimes it feels like just another thing to do. Your mind already tells you you’re not doing enough, so why even bother. You can google how much, how fast and how often you should be exercising and you will get an overload of information, creating even more stress for your already overstimulated mind.

Let’s try looking at it through the lens of gap and gain. When we’re in the gap, we’re comparing ourselves to the ideal. Being critical of our shortcomings often turns into the negative self-talk that no one else knows about. Not good!

Gain thinking, on the other hand, means we measure from where we started to where we are actually at. Every moment deserves celebration! Really acknowledge it.

I love to run and for a while my mindset negated my success whenever I ran. After a paradigm shift, I realized it doesn’t matter how far, how fast, or how long I run, I feel amazing after. So, why do I need to make it a negative experience? Now, I love to run because I’m not attached to the ideal.

Movement Worksheets:

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