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You are more than your career and classroom.
It’s time to rediscover your joy, health, and peace.

Meet Carman Murray...

Helping you create healthy habits for a happy and fulfilling life.

Hello, I’m Carman. As a former teacher myself, I’ve felt the pressure you face in your life and career.


Pressure to do it all perfectly.
Pressure to pour out all your energy.
Pressure to balance work and family.


You know what you need to do, but you just don’t know how to make it happen.


Your energy, confidence, and health have paid the price.


I want to help you get them back. Are you ready?

My Transformational Journey
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Change your habits; change your life.

Your journey begins here. Let’s start by:

  • Ditching routines that keep you stuck.

  • Defining boundaries that protect your energy and creativity.

  • Automating healthy habits to simplify your days.


Healthy doesn’t have to be hard. And you don’t have to do it alone!

What brought me here?

​I grew up loving the outdoors, and learning was a part of life on my family’s mixed farm in BC. So it was no surprise that I ended up marrying a 5th-generation Alberta rancher. My husband, Ian, and I, along with our children, continue to ranch in central Alberta. We are proud to lead by example in our community, as we respect our land and animals and farm responsibly. In fact, we were honoured to be recognized by the Alberta Beef Producers with the 2018 Environmental Stewardship Award.


Out of university, I began my career as a teacher. While I educated children, I kept educating myself as well. I studied Ayurveda, habit evolution, and behaviour science, and learned so much more about myself through the exploration of yoga, reiki, and other self-healing practices.

The more I learned, the more I knew I needed to use my experiences to inspire others to show up unapologetically in their own lives. And Spherical Healing was born out of a desire to support and empower others to live their best life. 

My greatest WHY is my children. Every day, they watch me live out my belief that each one of us has the choice to shine our gifts to the world. Not perfectly, but deliberately.

A brave and safe space

I believe that the best thing we can give each other is a safe space to connect and be real about the struggles we face.

When I work with clients, either one-on-one or in a group, I listen deeply. You are respected. Valued. Heard.

Our conversations will be a balance of care and candor. I value honesty because uncovering truth is how you’ll find success and transformation.

Are you ready to go from overwhelmed and overworked
to peaceful and purposeful?

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